The omicron variant is making people all over the world rethink their plans to return to the office in 2022 and for a good reason. As of now, this particular variant does appear to be less deadly, while being vastly more contagious than any previous form of the virus. At face value that may seem like a reasonable trade-off, but it is giving international governments, epidemiologists, and major companies pause. So, is working from the office safe during Omicron?
The truth is that omicron is yet another reminder of how quickly new variants form and spread. The extended reach of the virus thanks to omicrons’ increased transmissibility now means that there are even more opportunities for the virus to mutate. Given that opportunity, it is very possible that we could eventually see a much more dangerous variant emerge. That is why many companies are postponing the return to the office.
If you are one of the millions of people who has to continue working in person, don’t panic. As stated above, patients with the omicron variant are largely presenting with mild to moderate symptoms. The primary concern with in-office work and omicron is the increased potential for a new mutation. Fortunately, you can substantially reduce that risk by making five key moves.
If you got your second shot months ago, then you’ll probably need a booster to help ward omicron off. The current evidence shows that people with the booster are far less likely to contract the omicron variant in the first place, which means they’re also less likely to spread it.
Same day COVID testing for businesses is available in Los Angeles through Path MD. Businesses that choose to have employees onsite during the pandemic benefit from same-day testing by limiting liability and protecting employee health.
Masks are imperfect and annoying, but they are one more layer of protection between you and a potentially deadly disease. By protecting yourself, you’re increasing the protection you provide to everyone who comes into contact with you. Cloth masks are better than nothing, but if you’re working in close proximity with other people, you should look into purchasing a higher-quality medical mask.
It seems basic, but one of the easiest ways to prevent the spread of COVID is hand washing. We know you’re tired of singing the Happy Birthday song, so just make sure you’re scrubbing well with hot water and soap. Pay careful attention to the area under the nails and in between your fingers.
Whenever possible maintain six feet between you and anyone who is not a part of your immediate household. Once again, this strategy is imperfect on its own. Social distancing is just another layer of protection. Together these layers can make a real difference.
If you or someone close to you begins to show respiratory symptoms, fever, serious fatigue, body aches, or a loss of taste and smell, then you should act contagious until you know otherwise. Quarantine your household and schedule drive-thru COVID-19 same day testing in Los Angeles. This approach guarantees maximum safety and speedy results.
If your results do come back positive, then take steps to inform your office and anyone else you may have come in contact with. As long as your symptoms remain mild, just rest and stay hydrated. You can always use your local healthcare provider’s virtual services to talk to a nurse if you think you may need professional medical attention.